Become the best version of yourself

...overcoming the societal pressures and stereotypes that say men shouldn't be men...

The Codex

I shall, with resolve, unwavering conviction and focus, pursue God’s truth.

With decency, I will treat others, and with decorum, I will conduct myself. 

I shall wage war against tyranny, injustice and evil without cessation and without mercy. 

It is my sacred duty to build my body and sharpen my mind to protect and defend the weak. 

I will stand in the gap for my family and die with honour and without hesitation for them to survive.  

I alone am responsible for my actions and cannot be sueded into anything.

Through voluntary suffering, I will forge my body, mind and spirit into an unshakable force. 

Remembering Memento Mori, I remain humble, focused and aware that life is fleeting and every action should reflect purpose, integrity, courage and honour.

Should I die in the line of my duty may Jesus Christ, the Son of God have mercy on me, a sinner. 

The core of our belief...


Men are Men

Men are strong, courageous. Men are warriors, savages and servants. Men serve to lead.



It is an honour to be a man. Men have great responsibility and it is our duty to serve our God, to stand and fight for the truth and take care of that which is placed in our charge.


Supporting each other

"The Spartans are the equal of any man when they fight as individuals, fighting together as a collective, they surpass all other men." Demaratus, Spartan King

How to Man

Ian Young

The Code

Every man should have a code What do I believe? What do I live by? How do I live in this society riddled with relativism?

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Ian Young

That Savage Studio.

Marcel Backer is one of the best tattoo artists in South Africa. It’s not just the tattooing, it’s the whole experience he creates during your

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Why we are?

A man who is truly masculine embraces responsibility and loves, honours, protects and provides for his family and loved ones. He lives with integrity, motivated by conviction, not comfort or convenience. – The Dad Coach

...our people

Ian Young

With respect I will treat others and with decorum I will conduct myself. With integrity, unwavering conviction and focus I will pursue the Gods truth.

Sean Nel

Developer, marketer, photographer, Creative Problem Solver.