The right beard for your face shape.

Before deciding what beard style you’d like, you need to grow out your beard.  The recommendation is to let your beard grow out for at least a month to see what you will be working with.  After a few weeks, you can tell what sort of beard you have by looking at the density of […]

The magic juice that is … Testosterone.

What is testosterone? Testosterone is the magic juice that all men have and want more of.  Testosterone is the dominant sex hormone in men that regulates our libido (sex drive), bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and the production of red blood cells and sperm.  It’s also responsible for all the hair growth […]

How to Be a stylish man.

Style should be a very important aspect of a man’s life, you will be judged by the way you dress, Gents. It’s a sub-conscience thing.  We’ve all done this. We see a grown man dressed in oversized denim pants, old running shoes and a baggy white T-shirt and we think, “What is this guy doing?”.  […]

My morning Beard routine.

So the first thing I do when I get up is look in the mirror to do some ‘damage-controll” from the nights’ slumber and see what we’re dealing with.  When I wake up my beard is a mess, I mean a real mess. It’s long, so after a knight of wild dreaming it sticks out […]

Men should know how to fight.

Why? Ultimately it’s for self-defence and the defence of others.  Secondly, martial arts training helps you become physically and, more importantly, mentally resilient. Practising martial arts, like Kyokushin karate and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, teaches mastery over your mind and body. It doesn’t matter how physically strong you are. If your mind isn’t, then you’re in trouble. […]

Why having brothers are important.

What is a brother In this case, a brother isn’t just your biological brother, but anyone you consider one. A best friend is a good example of someone who can become your brother. It happens when you have been through things together and have suffered together.  Suffering brings people closer. Friendship is the foundation of a strong brotherhood. […]

Love thy neighbour. 

Luke 10:25-37 “And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?”  And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with […]

Toxic masculinity and why it’s rubbish.

Definition and traits of “toxic masculinity” According to Oxford English Dictionary, toxic masculinity is defined as “a set of attitudes and ways of behaving stereotypically associated with or expected of men, regarded as having a negative impact on men and on society as a whole.” Here are some traits of toxic masculinity according to the radicals: […]

Why grow a beard?

 Why not grow a beard? Gentlemen, that is the actual question. It is your God-given right as a man to have and grow a beard. For centuries the beard has been a symbol of masculinity, power, respect, and virility. The meaning and symbolism of beards vary from culture to culture, in some it is a […]